Package sage.api

Class Utility

  • public class Utility
    extends java.lang.Object
    Contains miscellaneous methods useful for a variety of purposes
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean AddElement​(java.util.Collection Data, java.lang.Object Value)
      Add the element with the specified value to this data.
      boolean AddToGrouping​(java.util.Map Grouping, java.lang.Object Key, java.lang.Object Value)
      Adds the specified value into the grouping using the specified key.
      boolean Animate​(java.lang.String WidgetName, java.lang.String LayerName, java.lang.String AnimationName, long Duration)
      Starts an animation for the specified Widget in the specified Layer.
      boolean AnimateDelayed​(java.lang.String WidgetName, java.lang.String LayerName, java.lang.String AnimationName, long Duration, long StartDelay, boolean Interruptable)
      This is the same as the Animate API call; but it allows specifiying a delay that should occur before the animation actually starts.
      boolean AnimateTransition​(java.lang.String SourceWidgetName, java.lang.String TargetWidgetName, java.lang.String LayerName, java.lang.String AnimationName, long Duration, long StartDelay, boolean Interruptable)
      Performs an Animation between two different Widgets.
      boolean AnimateVariable​(java.lang.String WidgetName, java.lang.String LayerName, java.lang.String VarName, java.lang.Object VarValue, java.lang.String AnimationName, long Duration, long StartDelay, boolean Interruptable)
      For more details on Animations see here: Animate() In addition to what's specified in the Animate API call; this also offers restricting of an Animation by a variable name and value.
      boolean AreCoreAnimationsEnabled()
      Returns whether or not animation support is enabled (either layered or Effect based animations; depending upon the STV configuration)
      boolean AreCoreAnimationsSupported()
      Returns whether or not animation support is possible in the current UI environment.
      java.lang.String CalculateMD5Sum​( FilePath)
      Calculates the MD5 Sum of a given file
      java.lang.String CalculateSHA1Hash​(java.lang.String EncodeString)
      Calculates the SHA1 hash of a String
      void ClearMenuCache()
      Clears the cache that links Widgets to the in memory-menu representations for this UI.
      java.lang.String ConvertNteChars​(java.lang.String NteString)
      converts a string of NTE key characters (and normal characters) into their default character representation - given by the first character in the NTE chatacter list
      The NTE key characters are the Unicode characters u2460-u2468 and u24EA (Unicode Circled Digits), representing the numeric Text Keys 1-9 and 0.
      The characters represented by the keys are defined by the client properties "ui/numeric_text_input_<ui/translation_language_code>_<key>_lower.
      java.lang.Object[] CreateArray​(java.lang.Object Value)
      Creates a java.lang.Object array and initializes each element to the passed in argument. CreateFilePath​(java.lang.String Directory, java.lang.String File)
      Creates a new file object for the specified directory and file name or relative path
      boolean CreateNewDirectory​( DirectoryPath)
      Creates a new directory and any parent directories for the specified directory path.
      boolean CreateNewLocalDirectory​( DirectoryPath)
      Creates a new local directory and any parent directories for the specified directory path.
      java.lang.Long[] CreateTimeSpan​(long StartTime, long EndTime)
      Returns a length 2 Long object array which can be used for specifying a time span in a table.
      java.lang.String DateFormat​(java.lang.String Format, java.lang.Object Date)
      Returns a formatted date string for the specified Date.
      boolean DeleteFilePath​( FilePath)
      Deletes the file/directory at the corresponding file path (directories must be empty first)
      boolean DeleteLocalFilePath​( FilePath)
      Deletes the file/directory at the corresponding local file path (directories must be empty first)
      boolean DidImageLoadFail​(java.lang.Object Image)
      Checks whether the passed in MetaImage (from an API call that returns MetaImage), MediaFile, File, URL or Album failed to load successfully.[] DirectoryListing​( DirectoryPath)
      Returns a list of the files in the specified directory[] DirectoryListing​( DirectoryPath, java.lang.String MediaMask)
      Returns a list of the files in the specified directory.
      void DumpServerThreadStates()
      Dumps all the java stack information on the SageTV server process to the server's debug output stream
      java.lang.String DurFormat​(java.lang.String Format, long Duration)
      Returns a formatted duration String for a period of time in milliseconds.
      java.lang.Process ExecuteProcess​(java.lang.String CommandString, java.lang.Object Arguments, WorkingDirectory, boolean ConsoleApp)
      Executes a new process on the system
      java.lang.String ExecuteProcessReturnOutput​(java.lang.String CommandString, java.lang.Object Arguments, WorkingDirectory, boolean ReturnStdout, boolean ReturnStderr)
      Executes a new process on the system and returns as a String the output of the process
      java.lang.Object FindComparativeElement​(java.lang.Object Data, java.lang.Comparable Criteria, java.lang.String Method)
      Searches a sorted list of data to find the index that the specified criteria exists at; or if it doesn't exist in the data it will use the index that would be the appropriate insertion point for the criteria in the data in order to maintain sort order.
      int FindElementIndex​(java.lang.Object Data, java.lang.Object Element)
      Returns the index in the data that the specified element is found at.
      java.lang.String GetAbsoluteFilePath​( FilePath)
      Returns the full path name from the specified file path..
      long GetDiskFreeSpace​(java.lang.String DrivePath)
      Returns the amount of disk free space in bytes at the specified path
      long GetDiskTotalSpace​(java.lang.String DrivePath)
      Returns the amount of total disk space in bytes at the specified path
      java.lang.String GetDNSAddress()
      Returns the DNS address for the currently configured network adapter.
      java.lang.Object GetElement​(java.lang.Object Data, int Index)
      Returns the element at the specified index in this data; works for arrays and java.util.List implementations (i.e.
      java.lang.String GetFileAsString​( FilePath)
      Opens the file at the specified path and reads the entire contents of it and returns it as a String.
      java.lang.String GetFileExtensionFromPath​(java.lang.String FilePath)
      Returns the file name extension from the specified file path (not including the '.')
      java.lang.String GetFileNameFromPath​( FilePath)
      Returns the file name from the specified file path; this just returns the filename without any path information.
      long GetFilePathSize​( FilePath)
      Returns the size in bytes of the specified file path[] GetFileSystemRoots()
      Returns the root directories of the file systems (on Linux this'll just be / and on Windows it'll be the drive letters)
      java.lang.String GetFileSystemType​(java.lang.String DrivePath)
      Gets the name of the filesystem type at the specified path
      java.lang.String GetGatewayAddress()
      Returns the gateway address for the currently configured network adapter.
      java.awt.image.BufferedImage GetImageAsBufferedImage​(java.lang.Object Resource)
      Returns a java.awt.image.BufferedImage object.
      java.lang.String GetLocalFileAsString​( FilePath)
      Opens the file at the specified path and reads the entire contents of it and returns it as a String.
      long GetLocalFilePathSize​( FilePath)
      Returns the size in bytes of the specified local file path[] GetLocalFileSystemRoots()
      Returns the root directories of the local file systems (on Linux this'll just be / and on Windows it'll be the drive letters)
      java.lang.String GetLocalIPAddress()
      Returns the IP address of the machine
      long GetLocalPathLastModifiedTime​( FilePath)
      Returns the last modified time of the specified local file path
      float GetMetaImageAspectRatio​(sage.MetaImage MetaImage)
      Returns the aspect ratio of an image as a floating point number of width/height, zero if the image was a failed load or has not been loaded yet
      byte[] GetMetaImageBytes​(sage.MetaImage MetaImage)
      Returns a byte array which is the contents of the MetaImage source's data (i.e. GetMetaImageSourceFile​(sage.MetaImage MetaImage)
      Returns the file path that a MetaImage was loaded from.
      long GetPathLastModifiedTime​( FilePath)
      Returns the last modified time of the specified file path GetPathParentDirectory​( FilePath)
      Returns the parent directory for the specified file path
      java.awt.image.BufferedImage GetScaledImageAsBufferedImage​(java.lang.Object Resource, int Width, int Height)
      Returns a java.awt.image.BufferedImage object.
      java.lang.Object GetSubgroup​(java.util.Map Grouping, java.lang.Object Key)
      Gets the value for the specified key out of a map.
      java.lang.String GetSubnetMask()
      Returns the subnet mask for the currently configured network adapter.
      long GetTimeSinceLastInput()
      Returns the amount of time in milliseconds since the last user input occurred for this UI (used for doing things while the user is idle)
      boolean GetUIRefreshLock()
      Acquires the lock for this user interface system to prevent other updates from occuring.
      int GetWindowsRegistryDWORDValue​(java.lang.String Root, java.lang.String Key, java.lang.String Name)
      Returns a DWORD value from the Windows registry for the specified root, key and name(Windows only) Acceptable values for the Root are: "HKCR", "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT", "HKCC", "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG", "HKCU", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER", "HKU", "HKEY_USERS", "HKLM" or "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" (HKLM is the default if nothing matches)
      java.lang.String[] GetWindowsRegistryNames​(java.lang.String Root, java.lang.String Key)
      Returns a list of the Windows registry names which exist under the specified root & key (Windows only) Acceptable values for the Root are: "HKCR", "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT", "HKCC", "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG", "HKCU", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER", "HKU", "HKEY_USERS", "HKLM" or "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" (HKLM is the default if nothing matches)
      int GetWindowsRegistryStringValue​(java.lang.String Root, java.lang.String Key, java.lang.String Name)
      Returns a string value from the Windows registry for the specified root, key and name(Windows only) Acceptable values for the Root are: "HKCR", "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT", "HKCC", "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG", "HKCU", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER", "HKU", "HKEY_USERS", "HKLM" or "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" (HKLM is the default if nothing matches)
      java.lang.String GetWorkingDirectory()
      Returns the current working directory for the application (if this is a client; it'll be the working directory of the server)
      java.lang.String GuessMajorFileType​(java.lang.String Filename)
      Guesses what media type the specified filename corresponds to.
      boolean HasLocalFilesystem()
      Returns true if this client has a local file system that can be accessed.
      java.lang.Object If​(boolean Condition, java.lang.Object True, java.lang.Object False)
      Returns the second argument if the first argument is true, otherwise the third argument is returned.
      boolean IsDirectoryPath​(java.lang.String FilePath)
      Returns true if the specified path denotes a directory that exists
      boolean IsEmpty​(java.lang.Object Data)
      Returns true if the argument is null, zero, an empty string or a failed image load
      boolean IsFilePath​(java.lang.String FilePath)
      Returns true if the specified file path denotes a file that exists and is not a directory
      boolean IsFilePathHidden​(java.lang.String FilePath)
      Returns true if the specified file path is marked as a hidden file
      boolean IsImageLoaded​(java.lang.Object Image)
      Checks whether the passed in MetaImage (from an API call that returns MetaImage), MediaFile, File, URL or Album is loaded into system memory or into the VRAM cache of the corresponding UI making the call.
      boolean IsImportableFileType​(java.lang.String Filename)
      Returns true if the specified file path has a file extension which would be imported by SageTV into its library.
      boolean IsLocalDirectoryPath​(java.lang.String FilePath)
      Returns true if the specified local path denotes a directory that exists
      boolean IsLocalFilePath​(java.lang.String FilePath)
      Returns true if the specified local file path denotes a file that exists and is not a directory
      boolean IsLocalFilePathHidden​(java.lang.String FilePath)
      Returns true if the specified local file path is marked as a hidden file
      boolean IsLocalRestartNeeded()
      Returns true if the local instance of SageTV needs to be restarted due to a plugin install/uninstall
      boolean IsMetaImage​(java.lang.Object MetaImage)
      Returns true if the argument is a MetaImage object.
      boolean IsServerRestartNeeded()
      Returns true if the server instance of SageTV needs to be restarted due to a plugin install/uninstall
      void Keystroke​(java.lang.String Character, boolean System)
      Executes the specified keystroke in either the SageTV event system or by emulation in the operating system
      sage.MetaImage LoadImage​(java.lang.Object Resource)
      Returns a MetaImage object that refers to a specified image resource.
      sage.MetaImage LoadImageFile​( FilePath)
      Returns a MetaImage object that refers to the specified image file.[] LocalDirectoryListing​( DirectoryPath)
      Returns a list of the files in the specified directory on the local filesystem
      java.lang.String LocalizeString​(java.lang.String EnglishText)
      Returns a localized version of the specified string.
      java.lang.String LookupIPForLocatorID​(java.lang.String LocatorID)
      Connects to the SageTV Locator server and submits the specified Locator ID for a IP lookup.
      java.lang.Number Max​(java.lang.Number Value1, java.lang.Number Value2)
      Returns the maximum of the two arguments; the type of the returned argument will be the same as the highest precision argument
      java.lang.Number Min​(java.lang.Number Value1, java.lang.Number Value2)
      Returns the minimum of the two arguments; the type of the returned argument will be the same as the highest precision argument
      java.lang.String NumberFormat​(java.lang.String Format, float Number)
      Returns a formatted numeric string for the specified number.
      void PlaySound​(java.lang.String SoundFile)
      Plays the specified sound file (used for sound effects, don't use for music playback)
      java.lang.String PrintCurrentTime()
      Returns a string that represents the current time.
      java.lang.String PrintDate​(long Date)
      Returns a formatted date string using the java.text.DateFormat.MEDIUM formatting technique
      java.lang.String PrintDateFull​(long Date)
      Returns a formatted date string using the java.text.DateFormat.FULL formatting technique
      java.lang.String PrintDateLong​(long Date)
      Returns a formatted date string using SageTV's default detailed date formatting
      java.lang.String PrintDateShort​(long Date)
      Returns a formatted date string using the java.text.DateFormat.SHORT formatting technique
      java.lang.String PrintDuration​(long Duration)
      Returns a formatted duration string according to SageTV's verbose duration formating, minutes is the most detailed resolution of this format
      java.lang.String PrintDurationShort​(long Duration)
      Returns a formatted duration string according to SageTV's concise duration formating, minutes is the most detailed resolution of this format
      java.lang.String PrintDurationWithSeconds​(long Duration)
      Returns a formatted duration string according to SageTV's default duration formating, seconds is the most detailed resolution of this format
      java.lang.String PrintTime​(long Time)
      Returns a formatted time string using the java.text.DateFormat.MEDIUM formatting technique
      java.lang.String PrintTimeFull​(long Time)
      Returns a formatted time string using the java.text.DateFormat.FULL formatting technique
      java.lang.String PrintTimeLong​(long Time)
      Returns a formatted time string using the java.text.DateFormat.LONG formatting technique
      java.lang.String PrintTimeShort​(long Time)
      Returns a formatted time string using the java.text.DateFormat.SHORT formatting technique
      java.lang.String QueryServerMacAddress​(java.lang.String Hostname)
      Gets the MAC address of the SageTV server at the specified hostname.
      int ReformatDeviceAtPathAsEXT3​(java.lang.String DrivePath)
      Determines the device that is mounted at the specified path, and then repartitions it to have a single EXT3 partition and then formats that partition.
      void ReleaseUIRefreshLock()
      Releases the lock for this user interface system to allow other updates to occur.
      void ReloadNameserverCache()
      Reloads the name server cache.
      java.lang.Object RemoveElement​(java.lang.Object Data, java.lang.Object Value)
      Removes the element at with the specified value from this data.
      java.lang.Object RemoveElementAtIndex​(java.util.List Data, int Index)
      Removes the element at the specified index in this data; works java.util.List implementations (i.e.
      boolean RemoveWindowsRegistryValue​(java.lang.String Root, java.lang.String Key, java.lang.String Name)
      Removes a value from the Windows registry for the specified root, key and name(Windows only) Acceptable values for the Root are: "HKCR", "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT", "HKCC", "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG", "HKCU", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER", "HKU", "HKEY_USERS", "HKLM" or "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" (HKLM is the default if nothing matches)
      boolean RenameFilePath​( OriginalFilePath, NewFilePath)
      Renames a file/directory
      boolean Restart()
      Restarts the local instance of SageTV.
      java.lang.Object Round​(java.lang.Object Number)
      Rounds a floating point number to an integral value.
      boolean SaveImageToFile​(sage.MetaImage MetaImage, File, int Width, int Height)
      Saves a MetaImage object to a file using the specified image size.
      java.awt.image.BufferedImage ScaleBufferedImage​(java.awt.image.BufferedImage JavaBufferedImage, int Width, int Height, boolean Alpha)
      Scales a java.awt.image.BufferedImage object using optimized techniques
      java.util.Map ScanWirelessAPs()
      Scans for wireless access points and returns the results as a map.
      boolean SendNetworkCommand​(java.lang.String Hostname, int Port, java.lang.Object Command)
      Opens a TCP/IP socket connection to the specified hostname on the specified port and then sends the specified command.
      boolean ServerRestart()
      Restarts the server instance of SageTV.
      void SetCoreAnimationsEnabled​(boolean Enabled)
      Sets whether or not animation support is enabled (either layered or Effect based animations; depending upon the STV configuration)
      java.lang.Object SetElement​(java.lang.Object Data, int Index, java.lang.Object Value)
      Sets the element at the specified index in this data; works for arrays and java.util.List implementations (i.e.
      void SetScrollPosition​(float RelativeX, float RelativeY)
      Scrolls the closest pageable UI parent component (or sibling of a parent) to the specified position.
      boolean SetWindowsRegistryDWORDValue​(java.lang.String Root, java.lang.String Key, java.lang.String Name, int Value)
      Sets a DWORD value in the Windows registry for the specified root, key and name(Windows only) The name will be created if it doesn't already exist.
      boolean SetWindowsRegistryStringValue​(java.lang.String Root, java.lang.String Key, java.lang.String Name, java.lang.String Value)
      Sets a string value in the Windows registry for the specified root, key and name(Windows only) The name will be created if it doesn't already exist.
      int Size​(java.lang.Object Data)
      Returns the size of the specified data.
      boolean StringEndsWith​(java.lang.String FullString, java.lang.String MatchString)
      Returns true if the first string ends with the second, uses java.lang.String.endsWith
      int StringIndexOf​(java.lang.String FullString, java.lang.String MatchString)
      Returns the index of the second string within the first string, -1 if it is not found.
      java.lang.String StringIndexOfNTE​(java.lang.String FullString, java.lang.String MatchStringNTE)
      Returns the index of MatchStringNTE string within FullString, -1 if it is not found.
      Search is case-insentive
      The MatchStringNTE may contain the Unicode characters u2460-u2468 and u24EA (Unicode Circled Digits) representing numeric Text Keys 1-9 and 0.
      int StringLastIndexOf​(java.lang.String FullString, java.lang.String MatchString)
      Returns the last index of the second string within the first string, -1 if it is not found.
      boolean StringStartsWith​(java.lang.String FullString, java.lang.String MatchString)
      Returns true if the first string starts with the second, uses java.lang.String.startsWith
      java.lang.Boolean StringStartsWithNTE​(java.lang.String FullString, java.lang.String MatchStringNTE)
      Returns true if the Full String starts with characters matching MatchStringNTE
      Search is case-insentive
      The MatchStringNTE may contain the Unicode characters u2460-u2468 and u24EA (Unicode Circled Digits) representing numeric Text Keys 1-9 and 0.
      java.lang.String Substring​(java.lang.String String, int StartIndex, int EndIndex)
      Returns the substring from a specified string.
      java.lang.String SubstringBegin​(java.lang.String String, int EndOffset)
      Returns the substring from a specified string.
      int TestPlaceshifterConnectivity​(java.lang.String LocatorID)
      Connects to the SageTV Locator server and submits the specified Locator ID for a 'ping'.
      long Time()
      Returns the current time; see java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis() for the explanation of the units.
      void UnloadImage​(java.lang.String ResPath)
      Unloads the specified image resource from memory.
      void Wait​(long Time)
      Causes the currently executing thread to sleep for the specified amount of time in milliseconds.
      boolean WriteStringToFile​( FilePath, java.lang.String Data)
      Opens the file at the specified path and writes out the specified String as its contents.
      boolean WriteStringToLocalFile​( FilePath, java.lang.String Data)
      Opens the file at the specified path and writes out the specified String as its contents.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • Utility

        public Utility()
    • Method Detail

      • GetSubgroup

        public java.lang.Object GetSubgroup​(java.util.Map Grouping,
                                            java.lang.Object Key)
        Gets the value for the specified key out of a map. Useful for analyzing data from a GroupByMethod () call.
        Grouping - the map to get the value from
        Key - the key to use for retrieving the value
        the value for the specified key in the specified map
      • Keystroke

        public void Keystroke​(java.lang.String Character,
                              boolean System)
        Executes the specified keystroke in either the SageTV event system or by emulation in the operating system
        Character - the keystroke to perform, can contain Ctrl, Shift, Alt and combinations thereof with the specified key name
        System - if true then an operating system keystroke should be emulated, if false then keep the keystroke within SageTV
      • Size

        public int Size​(java.lang.Object Data)
        Returns the size of the specified data.
        Data - the object to get the data size of
        for a Collection or Map, the size of it; for an array, the length; for a string, the length, otherwise 0 is returned
      • IsEmpty

        public boolean IsEmpty​(java.lang.Object Data)
        Returns true if the argument is null, zero, an empty string or a failed image load
        Data - the object to test
        true if the argument is null, zero, an empty string or a failed image load
      • DateFormat

        public java.lang.String DateFormat​(java.lang.String Format,
                                           java.lang.Object Date)
        Returns a formatted date string for the specified Date.
        Format - null if SageTV's default date format should be used, otherwise use a formatting string as specified in java.text.SimpleDateFormat
        Date - either a java.util.Date object or a long which corresponds to the date
        the date formatted string
      • NumberFormat

        public java.lang.String NumberFormat​(java.lang.String Format,
                                             float Number)
        Returns a formatted numeric string for the specified number.
        Format - a formatting string as specified in java.text.DecimalFormat
        Number - the floating point number to format
        the formatted numeric string
      • DurFormat

        public java.lang.String DurFormat​(java.lang.String Format,
                                          long Duration)
        Returns a formatted duration String for a period of time in milliseconds. The formatting string uses the % character for escapement (%% is not supported, you cannot display the % symbol in a duration string). The 'd', 'h', 'm' and 's' characters can be used to indicate days, hours, minutes and seconds respectively. Any format character may be prefixed by the 'r' character to indicate it is a required field.

        For example, the format string %rh:%m for 20 minutes would return 0:20 and for the string $h:%m it would return 20 If there's characters before a field value then that value will be zero padded, i.e. 65 minutes for %h:%m would be 1:05

        Format - the duration format string, or null to use SageTV's default duration formatting
        Duration - the duration to print out in milliseconds
        the formatted duration string
      • CreateTimeSpan

        public java.lang.Long[] CreateTimeSpan​(long StartTime,
                                               long EndTime)
        Returns a length 2 Long object array which can be used for specifying a time span in a table. The first element will be the StartTime and the second will be the EndTime
        StartTime - the long value which specifies the start value of the time span
        EndTime - the long value which specifies the end value of the time span
        an array which represents this time span
      • GetElement

        public java.lang.Object GetElement​(java.lang.Object Data,
                                           int Index)
        Returns the element at the specified index in this data; works for arrays and java.util.List implementations (i.e. Vector, etc.)
        Data - the java.util.List or array object to get the element from
        Index - the 0-based index of the element to retrieve
        the element at the specified index or null if there is no such element
      • SetElement

        public java.lang.Object SetElement​(java.lang.Object Data,
                                           int Index,
                                           java.lang.Object Value)
        Sets the element at the specified index in this data; works for arrays and java.util.List implementations (i.e. Vector, etc.)
        Data - the java.util.List or array object to set the element for
        Index - the 0-based index of the element to set
        Value - the value to set
        the Value parameters is returned
      • RemoveElementAtIndex

        public java.lang.Object RemoveElementAtIndex​(java.util.List Data,
                                                     int Index)
        Removes the element at the specified index in this data; works java.util.List implementations (i.e. Vector, etc.)
        Data - the java.util.List object to remove the element from
        Index - the 0-based index of the element to remove
        the element at the specified index or null if there is no such element
      • RemoveElement

        public java.lang.Object RemoveElement​(java.lang.Object Data,
                                              java.lang.Object Value)
        Removes the element at with the specified value from this data. Works for java.util.Collection or java.util.Map implementations. If the value appears multiple times in the data (for Collections) only the first occurrence is removed.
        Data - the java.util.Collection or java.util.Map object to remove the element from; for maps it removes based on key
        Value - the value to remove from the data
        for java.util.Collections true if the element exists and was removed, false otherwise; for java.util.Maps it returns the value that the specified key corresponded to
      • AddElement

        public boolean AddElement​(java.util.Collection Data,
                                  java.lang.Object Value)
        Add the element with the specified value to this data. Works for java.util.Collection implementations.
        Data - the java.util.Collection object to add the element to
        Value - the value to add to the data
        for java.util.Collections true if the data changed as a result of the call (i.e. the add succeded and was not redundant), false otherwise
      • FindElementIndex

        public int FindElementIndex​(java.lang.Object Data,
                                    java.lang.Object Element)
        Returns the index in the data that the specified element is found at. If there are multiple occurrences of this element only the first index is returned. This works for arrays and java.util.List implementations.
        Data - the java.util.List or array to look in
        Element - the value to search the data for
        the 0-based index of the specified element in the data, or -1 if it does not exist
      • FindComparativeElement

        public java.lang.Object FindComparativeElement​(java.lang.Object Data,
                                                       java.lang.Comparable Criteria,
                                                       java.lang.String Method)
        Searches a sorted list of data to find the index that the specified criteria exists at; or if it doesn't exist in the data it will use the index that would be the appropriate insertion point for the criteria in the data in order to maintain sort order. The element at that index is what is returned
        Data - the data to sort, this must be a java.util.Collection, a java.util.Map, or an array
        Criteria - the object to compare the elements to; this must implement java.lang.Comparable
        Method - the method name to execute on each element to get the value to compare; use null to compare the elements themselves
        the element at the comparative insertion point
      • Substring

        public java.lang.String Substring​(java.lang.String String,
                                          int StartIndex,
                                          int EndIndex)
        Returns the substring from a specified string. Same as java.lang.String.substring(int startIndex, int endIndex)
        String - the string to get the substring of
        StartIndex - the 0-based index that the substring starts at
        EndIndex - the 0-based index that the substring ends at or -1 if the substring goes to the end of the string
        the substring from the specified string
      • SubstringBegin

        public java.lang.String SubstringBegin​(java.lang.String String,
                                               int EndOffset)
        Returns the substring from a specified string. The substring will start at the beginning of the string and end EndIndex characters before the end of the string. Same as Substring(String, 0, Size(String) - EndOffset).
        String - the string to get the substring of
        EndOffset - the number of characters from the end of the string to terminate the substring (0 implies return the entire string)
        the substring from the specified string
      • Round

        public java.lang.Object Round​(java.lang.Object Number)
        Rounds a floating point number to an integral value. For Doubles a Long is returned, for Floats an Integer is returned
        Number - the number to round
        the rounded value
      • Time

        public long Time()
        Returns the current time; see java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis() for the explanation of the units.
        the current time
      • PrintCurrentTime

        public java.lang.String PrintCurrentTime()
        Returns a string that represents the current time.
        a string that represents the current time.
      • PrintDate

        public java.lang.String PrintDate​(long Date)
        Returns a formatted date string using the java.text.DateFormat.MEDIUM formatting technique
        Date - the date value to format
        a formatted date string
      • PrintDateLong

        public java.lang.String PrintDateLong​(long Date)
        Returns a formatted date string using SageTV's default detailed date formatting
        Date - the date value to format
        a formatted date string
      • PrintDateShort

        public java.lang.String PrintDateShort​(long Date)
        Returns a formatted date string using the java.text.DateFormat.SHORT formatting technique
        Date - the date value to format
        a formatted date string
      • PrintDateFull

        public java.lang.String PrintDateFull​(long Date)
        Returns a formatted date string using the java.text.DateFormat.FULL formatting technique
        Date - the date value to format
        a formatted date string
      • PrintTime

        public java.lang.String PrintTime​(long Time)
        Returns a formatted time string using the java.text.DateFormat.MEDIUM formatting technique
        Time - the time value to format
        a formatted time string
      • PrintTimeLong

        public java.lang.String PrintTimeLong​(long Time)
        Returns a formatted time string using the java.text.DateFormat.LONG formatting technique
        Time - the time value to format
        a formatted time string
      • PrintTimeShort

        public java.lang.String PrintTimeShort​(long Time)
        Returns a formatted time string using the java.text.DateFormat.SHORT formatting technique
        Time - the time value to format
        a formatted time string
      • PrintTimeFull

        public java.lang.String PrintTimeFull​(long Time)
        Returns a formatted time string using the java.text.DateFormat.FULL formatting technique
        Time - the time value to format
        a formatted time string
      • PrintDuration

        public java.lang.String PrintDuration​(long Duration)
        Returns a formatted duration string according to SageTV's verbose duration formating, minutes is the most detailed resolution of this format
        Duration - the duration in milliseconds to print
        the formatted duration string
      • PrintDurationWithSeconds

        public java.lang.String PrintDurationWithSeconds​(long Duration)
        Returns a formatted duration string according to SageTV's default duration formating, seconds is the most detailed resolution of this format
        Duration - the duration in milliseconds to print
        the formatted duration string
      • PrintDurationShort

        public java.lang.String PrintDurationShort​(long Duration)
        Returns a formatted duration string according to SageTV's concise duration formating, minutes is the most detailed resolution of this format
        Duration - the duration in milliseconds to print
        the formatted duration string
      • GetDiskFreeSpace

        public long GetDiskFreeSpace​(java.lang.String DrivePath)
        Returns the amount of disk free space in bytes at the specified path
        DrivePath - the path string of a disk to get the free space of
        the free space on the specified disk in bytes
      • GetDiskTotalSpace

        public long GetDiskTotalSpace​(java.lang.String DrivePath)
        Returns the amount of total disk space in bytes at the specified path
        DrivePath - the path string of a disk to get the total space of
        the total space on the specified disk in bytes
      • GetFileSystemType

        public java.lang.String GetFileSystemType​(java.lang.String DrivePath)
        Gets the name of the filesystem type at the specified path
        DrivePath - the path string of a disk to get the filesystem type for
        the name of the filesystem type at the specified path
      • GetWindowsRegistryNames

        public java.lang.String[] GetWindowsRegistryNames​(java.lang.String Root,
                                                          java.lang.String Key)
        Returns a list of the Windows registry names which exist under the specified root & key (Windows only) Acceptable values for the Root are: "HKCR", "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT", "HKCC", "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG", "HKCU", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER", "HKU", "HKEY_USERS", "HKLM" or "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" (HKLM is the default if nothing matches)
        Root - the registry hive to look in
        Key - the key path in the registry hive
        the names stored in the registry under the specified key
      • GetWindowsRegistryDWORDValue

        public int GetWindowsRegistryDWORDValue​(java.lang.String Root,
                                                java.lang.String Key,
                                                java.lang.String Name)
        Returns a DWORD value from the Windows registry for the specified root, key and name(Windows only) Acceptable values for the Root are: "HKCR", "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT", "HKCC", "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG", "HKCU", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER", "HKU", "HKEY_USERS", "HKLM" or "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" (HKLM is the default if nothing matches)
        Root - the registry hive to look in
        Key - the key path in the registry hive
        Name - the name of the registry value to retrieve
        the value of the specified registry setting as a DWORD
      • GetWindowsRegistryStringValue

        public int GetWindowsRegistryStringValue​(java.lang.String Root,
                                                 java.lang.String Key,
                                                 java.lang.String Name)
        Returns a string value from the Windows registry for the specified root, key and name(Windows only) Acceptable values for the Root are: "HKCR", "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT", "HKCC", "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG", "HKCU", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER", "HKU", "HKEY_USERS", "HKLM" or "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" (HKLM is the default if nothing matches)
        Root - the registry hive to look in
        Key - the key path in the registry hive
        Name - the name of the registry value to retrieve
        the value of the specified registry setting as a string
      • RemoveWindowsRegistryValue

        public boolean RemoveWindowsRegistryValue​(java.lang.String Root,
                                                  java.lang.String Key,
                                                  java.lang.String Name)
        Removes a value from the Windows registry for the specified root, key and name(Windows only) Acceptable values for the Root are: "HKCR", "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT", "HKCC", "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG", "HKCU", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER", "HKU", "HKEY_USERS", "HKLM" or "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" (HKLM is the default if nothing matches)
        Root - the registry hive to look in
        Key - the key path in the registry hive
        Name - the name of the registry value to remove
        true if the specified setting was removed, false otherwise
      • SetWindowsRegistryDWORDValue

        public boolean SetWindowsRegistryDWORDValue​(java.lang.String Root,
                                                    java.lang.String Key,
                                                    java.lang.String Name,
                                                    int Value)
        Sets a DWORD value in the Windows registry for the specified root, key and name(Windows only) The name will be created if it doesn't already exist. Acceptable values for the Root are: "HKCR", "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT", "HKCC", "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG", "HKCU", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER", "HKU", "HKEY_USERS", "HKLM" or "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" (HKLM is the default if nothing matches)
        Root - the registry hive to use
        Key - the key path in the registry hive
        Name - the name of the registry value to set
        Value - the value of the specified registry setting as a DWORD
        true if the operation was successful, false otherwise
      • SetWindowsRegistryStringValue

        public boolean SetWindowsRegistryStringValue​(java.lang.String Root,
                                                     java.lang.String Key,
                                                     java.lang.String Name,
                                                     java.lang.String Value)
        Sets a string value in the Windows registry for the specified root, key and name(Windows only) The name will be created if it doesn't already exist. Acceptable values for the Root are: "HKCR", "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT", "HKCC", "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG", "HKCU", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER", "HKU", "HKEY_USERS", "HKLM" or "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" (HKLM is the default if nothing matches)
        Root - the registry hive to use
        Key - the key path in the registry hive
        Name - the name of the registry value to set
        Value - the value of the specified registry setting as a string
        true if the operation was successful, false otherwise
      • PlaySound

        public void PlaySound​(java.lang.String SoundFile)
        Plays the specified sound file (used for sound effects, don't use for music playback)
        SoundFile - the path of the sound resource to play back
      • If

        public java.lang.Object If​(boolean Condition,
                                   java.lang.Object True,
                                   java.lang.Object False)
        Returns the second argument if the first argument is true, otherwise the third argument is returned. All 3 arguments will be evaluated in all cases. This does NOT have a short-circuit which prevents evaluation of the third argument if the first is true.
        Condition - the value to test to see if it is true
        True - the value to return if the Condition is true
        False - the value to return if the Condition is not true
        the appropriate value based on the condition
      • GetFileNameFromPath

        public java.lang.String GetFileNameFromPath​( FilePath)
        Returns the file name from the specified file path; this just returns the filename without any path information.
        FilePath - the filepath to get the filename for
        the filename from the specified file path
      • GetAbsoluteFilePath

        public java.lang.String GetAbsoluteFilePath​( FilePath)
        Returns the full path name from the specified file path..
        FilePath - the filepath to get the full path from
        the full path from the specified file path
      • GetFileExtensionFromPath

        public java.lang.String GetFileExtensionFromPath​(java.lang.String FilePath)
        Returns the file name extension from the specified file path (not including the '.')
        FilePath - the file path to get the extension of
        the extension from the specified file path
      • Wait

        public void Wait​(long Time)
        Causes the currently executing thread to sleep for the specified amount of time in milliseconds.
        Time - the amount of time to sleep this thread for in milliseconds
      • Max

        public java.lang.Number Max​(java.lang.Number Value1,
                                    java.lang.Number Value2)
        Returns the maximum of the two arguments; the type of the returned argument will be the same as the highest precision argument
        Value1 - one of the values
        Value2 - the other value
        the maximum of the passed in values
      • Min

        public java.lang.Number Min​(java.lang.Number Value1,
                                    java.lang.Number Value2)
        Returns the minimum of the two arguments; the type of the returned argument will be the same as the highest precision argument
        Value1 - one of the values
        Value2 - the other value
        the minimum of the passed in values
      • ExecuteProcess

        public java.lang.Process ExecuteProcess​(java.lang.String CommandString,
                                                java.lang.Object Arguments,
                                                boolean ConsoleApp)
        Executes a new process on the system
        CommandString - the command to execute (i.e. C:\windows\notepad.exe or ifconfig)
        Arguments - the arguments to pass to the command that is executed, if it's a java.util.Collection or array then each element is an argument, otherwise it is considered a single argument; use null for no arguments
        WorkingDirectory - the directory to execute the process from or null to execute it from the current working directory
        ConsoleApp - if true then SageTV will consume the stdout and stderr output from the process that is launched; if false it will not
        the java.lang.Process object that represents the launched process
      • ExecuteProcessReturnOutput

        public java.lang.String ExecuteProcessReturnOutput​(java.lang.String CommandString,
                                                           java.lang.Object Arguments,
                                                           boolean ReturnStdout,
                                                           boolean ReturnStderr)
        Executes a new process on the system and returns as a String the output of the process
        CommandString - the command to execute (i.e. C:\windows\notepad.exe or ifconfig)
        Arguments - the arguments to pass to the command that is executed, if it's a java.util.Collection or array then each element is an argument, otherwise it is considered a single argument; use null for no arguments
        WorkingDirectory - the directory to execute the process from or null to execute it from the current working directory
        ReturnStdout - if true then SageTV will return the data from stdout as part of the return value
        ReturnStderr - if true then SageTV will return the data from stderr as part of the return value
        a String which contains the data from stdout/stderr (depending upon the arguments), null if there was a failure
      • LoadImageFile

        public sage.MetaImage LoadImageFile​( FilePath)
        Returns a MetaImage object that refers to the specified image file. Used for passing images into Widgets.
        FilePath - the file path of the image to load
        the loaded image object
      • LoadImage

        public sage.MetaImage LoadImage​(java.lang.Object Resource)
        Returns a MetaImage object that refers to a specified image resource. This can be used to load images from URLs, JAR resources or the file system.

        It also has a secondary purpose where you can pass it a MetaImage and then it will load that image into the current image cache so it will render as fast as possible in the next drawing cycle. Good for preloading the next image in a slideshow. If a MetaImage is passed in; this call will not return until that image is loaded into the cache.

        Resource - if this is a MetaImage then the image is loaded into the cache, otherwise its converted to a string and then a MetaImage is returned for that resource
        the MetaImage that refers to the passed specified resource, if a MetaImage was passed in then the same object is returned
      • SaveImageToFile

        public boolean SaveImageToFile​(sage.MetaImage MetaImage,
                                       int Width,
                                       int Height)
        Saves a MetaImage object to a file using the specified image size. The supported formats are JPG and PNG. The format is determined by the file extension, which must be either .jpg or .png. Use zero for the width and height to save it at the original image size. NOTE: This call is a NOOP on embedded platforms
        MetaImage - the MetaImage object that should be saved to the specified file
        File - the file to save the image to
        Width - the width to use in the saved image file
        Height - the height to use in the saved image file
        returns true on success or false on failure
      • GetMetaImageSourceFile

        public GetMetaImageSourceFile​(sage.MetaImage MetaImage)
        Returns the file path that a MetaImage was loaded from. Since not all MetaImage objects come from file paths, this will return null for any non-file based images.
        MetaImage - the MetaImage to get the file path for
        the file path for the specified MetaImage, or null if it wasn't loaded from a file path
      • GetMetaImageAspectRatio

        public float GetMetaImageAspectRatio​(sage.MetaImage MetaImage)
        Returns the aspect ratio of an image as a floating point number of width/height, zero if the image was a failed load or has not been loaded yet
        MetaImage - the MetaImage to get the aspec for
        the aspect ratio of the image as a floating point number of width/height, zero if the image was a failed load or has not been loaded yet
      • IsMetaImage

        public boolean IsMetaImage​(java.lang.Object MetaImage)
        Returns true if the argument is a MetaImage object.
        MetaImage - the Object to test
        true if the argument is a MetaImage object, false otherwise
      • GetMetaImageBytes

        public byte[] GetMetaImageBytes​(sage.MetaImage MetaImage)
        Returns a byte array which is the contents of the MetaImage source's data (i.e. compressed image data)
        MetaImage - the MetaImage to get the compressed byte data for
        a byte array which is the contents of the MetaImage source's data (i.e. compressed image data), null if it cannot load the data or the argument is not a MetaImage
      • GetImageAsBufferedImage

        public java.awt.image.BufferedImage GetImageAsBufferedImage​(java.lang.Object Resource)
        Returns a java.awt.image.BufferedImage object. This can be used to load images from URLs, JAR resources or the file system.

        Resource - if this is a MetaImage then the buffered image is taken from that, otherwise its converted to a string and then the image is loaded from that path
        a newly allocated java.awt.image.BufferedImage corresponding to the specified resource
      • GetScaledImageAsBufferedImage

        public java.awt.image.BufferedImage GetScaledImageAsBufferedImage​(java.lang.Object Resource,
                                                                          int Width,
                                                                          int Height)
        Returns a java.awt.image.BufferedImage object. This can be used to load images from URLs, JAR resources or the file system. The size of the returned image will match the passed in arguments.
        Resource - if this is a MetaImage then the buffered image is taken from that, otherwise its converted to a string and then the image is loaded from that path
        Width - the desired width of the returned image
        Height - the desired height of the returned image
        a newly allocated java.awt.image.BufferedImage corresponding to the specified resource
      • UnloadImage

        public void UnloadImage​(java.lang.String ResPath)
        Unloads the specified image resource from memory. NOTE: This does not care about the internal reference count in SageTV for this image which could mean bad things will happen if you use this on images other than ones that you are explicitly managing.
        ResPath - the path to the image resource, can be a url, JAR resource path or a file path
      • IsImageLoaded

        public boolean IsImageLoaded​(java.lang.Object Image)
        Checks whether the passed in MetaImage (from an API call that returns MetaImage), MediaFile, File, URL or Album is loaded into system memory or into the VRAM cache of the corresponding UI making the call.
        Image - the MetaImage to check, or a MediaFile or an Album or a or a
        true if the MetaImage (or the MetaImage that would correspond to the passed in resource) is loaded into system memory or the calling UI's VRAM, false otherwise
      • DidImageLoadFail

        public boolean DidImageLoadFail​(java.lang.Object Image)
        Checks whether the passed in MetaImage (from an API call that returns MetaImage), MediaFile, File, URL or Album failed to load successfully. This will return false if the image load has not been attempted yet.
        Image - the MetaImage to check, or a MediaFile or an Album or a or a
        true if the MetaImage (or the MetaImage that would correspond to the passed in resource) has already tried to load; and the load failed
      • DirectoryListing

        public[] DirectoryListing​( DirectoryPath)
        Returns a list of the files in the specified directory
        DirectoryPath - the directory to list the files in
        a list of files in the specified directory
      • DirectoryListing

        public[] DirectoryListing​( DirectoryPath,
                                               java.lang.String MediaMask)
        Returns a list of the files in the specified directory. Only directories and file matching the media mask will be returned.
        DirectoryPath - the directory to list the files in
        MediaMask - the types of content allowed, any combination of 'M'=Music, 'P'=Pictures or 'V'=Videos
        a list of folders and matching files in the specified directory
      • LocalDirectoryListing

        public[] LocalDirectoryListing​( DirectoryPath)
        Returns a list of the files in the specified directory on the local filesystem
        DirectoryPath - the directory to list the files in
        a list of files in the specified directory
      • GetFileSystemRoots

        public[] GetFileSystemRoots()
        Returns the root directories of the file systems (on Linux this'll just be / and on Windows it'll be the drive letters)
        the root directories of the file systems
      • GetLocalFileSystemRoots

        public[] GetLocalFileSystemRoots()
        Returns the root directories of the local file systems (on Linux this'll just be / and on Windows it'll be the drive letters)
        the root directories of the local file systems
      • StringEndsWith

        public boolean StringEndsWith​(java.lang.String FullString,
                                      java.lang.String MatchString)
        Returns true if the first string ends with the second, uses java.lang.String.endsWith
        FullString - the string to search in
        MatchString - the string to search for
        true if FullString ends with MatchString, false otherwise
      • StringStartsWith

        public boolean StringStartsWith​(java.lang.String FullString,
                                        java.lang.String MatchString)
        Returns true if the first string starts with the second, uses java.lang.String.startsWith
        FullString - the string to search in
        MatchString - the string to search for
        true if FullString starts with MatchString, false otherwise
      • StringIndexOf

        public int StringIndexOf​(java.lang.String FullString,
                                 java.lang.String MatchString)
        Returns the index of the second string within the first string, -1 if it is not found. Uses java.lang.String.indexOf
        FullString - the string to search in
        MatchString - the string to search for
        the first 0-based index in FullString that MatchString occurs at or -1 if it is not found
      • StringLastIndexOf

        public int StringLastIndexOf​(java.lang.String FullString,
                                     java.lang.String MatchString)
        Returns the last index of the second string within the first string, -1 if it is not found. Uses java.lang.String.lastIndexOf
        FullString - the string to search in
        MatchString - the string to search for
        the last 0-based index in FullString that MatchString occurs at or -1 if it is not found
      • GetWorkingDirectory

        public java.lang.String GetWorkingDirectory()
        Returns the current working directory for the application (if this is a client; it'll be the working directory of the server)
        the current working directory for the application
      • HasLocalFilesystem

        public boolean HasLocalFilesystem()
        Returns true if this client has a local file system that can be accessed.
        true if this client has a local file system that can be accessed
      • CreateFilePath

        public CreateFilePath​(java.lang.String Directory,
                                           java.lang.String File)
        Creates a new file object for the specified directory and file name or relative path
        Directory - the directory name
        File - the file within the directory or relative file path
        a new file object for the specified directory and file name or relative path
      • IsFilePathHidden

        public boolean IsFilePathHidden​(java.lang.String FilePath)
        Returns true if the specified file path is marked as a hidden file
        FilePath - the file path to test
        true if the specified file path is marked as a hidden file
      • IsLocalFilePathHidden

        public boolean IsLocalFilePathHidden​(java.lang.String FilePath)
        Returns true if the specified local file path is marked as a hidden file
        FilePath - the file path to test
        true if the specified local file path is marked as a hidden file
      • IsFilePath

        public boolean IsFilePath​(java.lang.String FilePath)
        Returns true if the specified file path denotes a file that exists and is not a directory
        FilePath - the file path to test
        true if the specified file path denotes a file that exists and is not a directory
      • IsLocalFilePath

        public boolean IsLocalFilePath​(java.lang.String FilePath)
        Returns true if the specified local file path denotes a file that exists and is not a directory
        FilePath - the file path to test
        true if the specified local file path denotes a file that exists and is not a directory
      • IsDirectoryPath

        public boolean IsDirectoryPath​(java.lang.String FilePath)
        Returns true if the specified path denotes a directory that exists
        FilePath - the file path to test
        true if the specified path denotes a directory that exists
      • IsLocalDirectoryPath

        public boolean IsLocalDirectoryPath​(java.lang.String FilePath)
        Returns true if the specified local path denotes a directory that exists
        FilePath - the file path to test
        true if the specified local path denotes a directory that exists
      • CreateNewDirectory

        public boolean CreateNewDirectory​( DirectoryPath)
        Creates a new directory and any parent directories for the specified directory path.
        DirectoryPath - the directory to create
        true if successful, false otherwise
      • CreateNewLocalDirectory

        public boolean CreateNewLocalDirectory​( DirectoryPath)
        Creates a new local directory and any parent directories for the specified directory path.
        DirectoryPath - the directory to create
        true if successful, false otherwise
      • GetPathParentDirectory

        public GetPathParentDirectory​( FilePath)
        Returns the parent directory for the specified file path
        FilePath - the file path to get the parent directory for
        the parent directory for the specified file path
      • GetPathLastModifiedTime

        public long GetPathLastModifiedTime​( FilePath)
        Returns the last modified time of the specified file path
        FilePath - the file path
        the last modified time of the specified file path
      • GetLocalPathLastModifiedTime

        public long GetLocalPathLastModifiedTime​( FilePath)
        Returns the last modified time of the specified local file path
        FilePath - the file path
        the last modified time of the specified local file path
      • GetFilePathSize

        public long GetFilePathSize​( FilePath)
        Returns the size in bytes of the specified file path
        FilePath - the file path
        the size in bytes of the specified file path
      • GetLocalFilePathSize

        public long GetLocalFilePathSize​( FilePath)
        Returns the size in bytes of the specified local file path
        FilePath - the file path
        the size in bytes of the specified local file path
      • DeleteFilePath

        public boolean DeleteFilePath​( FilePath)
        Deletes the file/directory at the corresponding file path (directories must be empty first)
        FilePath - the file path
        true if successful, false otherwise
      • DeleteLocalFilePath

        public boolean DeleteLocalFilePath​( FilePath)
        Deletes the file/directory at the corresponding local file path (directories must be empty first)
        FilePath - the file path
        true if successful, false otherwise
      • RenameFilePath

        public boolean RenameFilePath​( OriginalFilePath,
        Renames a file/directory
        OriginalFilePath - the file path to rename
        NewFilePath - the new name for the file path
        true if successful, false otherwise
      • AddToGrouping

        public boolean AddToGrouping​(java.util.Map Grouping,
                                     java.lang.Object Key,
                                     java.lang.Object Value)
        Adds the specified value into the grouping using the specified key. Useful on results from GroupByMethod() This works using a Map implementation that has Collections as the values and objects as the keys. So if two objects have the same key they will both still exist in the map by being in the Collection that corresponds to their key.
        Grouping - the grouping (Map) to add the new key/value pair to
        Key - the key to use to store the value in the map
        Value - the value to store
        true is always returned
      • SendNetworkCommand

        public boolean SendNetworkCommand​(java.lang.String Hostname,
                                          int Port,
                                          java.lang.Object Command)
        Opens a TCP/IP socket connection to the specified hostname on the specified port and then sends the specified command. After that the socket is closed.
        Hostname - the hostname to connect to
        Port - the port to connect on
        Command - either a byte[] or a String to send across the socket
        true if successful, false otherwise
      • ScaleBufferedImage

        public java.awt.image.BufferedImage ScaleBufferedImage​(java.awt.image.BufferedImage JavaBufferedImage,
                                                               int Width,
                                                               int Height,
                                                               boolean Alpha)
        Scales a java.awt.image.BufferedImage object using optimized techniques
        JavaBufferedImage - the BufferedImage object that is the source for the scaling
        Width - the width of the target image
        Height - the height of the target image
        Alpha - true if the scaling should be done in ARGB, false if it should be done in RGB
        a new BufferedImage that is a scaled version of the specified image
      • LocalizeString

        public java.lang.String LocalizeString​(java.lang.String EnglishText)
        Returns a localized version of the specified string. Uses SageTV's core translation properties to do this.
        EnglishText - the English string to translate from
        the translated version of the specified string in the currently configured language
      • GetLocalIPAddress

        public java.lang.String GetLocalIPAddress()
        Returns the IP address of the machine
        the IP address of the machine
      • IsImportableFileType

        public boolean IsImportableFileType​(java.lang.String Filename)
        Returns true if the specified file path has a file extension which would be imported by SageTV into its library.
        Filename - the file path to test
        true if the specified file path has a file extension which would be imported by SageTV into its library, false otherwise
      • GetSubnetMask

        public java.lang.String GetSubnetMask()
        Returns the subnet mask for the currently configured network adapter. NOTE: This is only valid on embedded platforms.
        the subnet mask for the currently configured network adapter
      • GetGatewayAddress

        public java.lang.String GetGatewayAddress()
        Returns the gateway address for the currently configured network adapter. NOTE: This is only valid on embedded platforms.
        the gateway address for the currently configured network adapter
      • GetDNSAddress

        public java.lang.String GetDNSAddress()
        Returns the DNS address for the currently configured network adapter. NOTE: This is only valid on embedded platforms.
        the DNS address for the currently configured network adapter
      • GuessMajorFileType

        public java.lang.String GuessMajorFileType​(java.lang.String Filename)
        Guesses what media type the specified filename corresponds to. It does this based on the configuration for the import library file types.
        Filename - the file path to test
        "M", "V", "P", "B" or "D" for a music, video, picture, BluRay or DVD file respectively; if it can't tell it returns "V"
      • TestPlaceshifterConnectivity

        public int TestPlaceshifterConnectivity​(java.lang.String LocatorID)
        Connects to the SageTV Locator server and submits the specified Locator ID for a 'ping'. The Locator server will then attempt to connect to the IP for that GUID and report back the status. The return code is an integer as follows: -1 - Unable to connect to the locator server (internet connection is down or locator server is down) 0 - The locator server did not have an IP address registered for this GUID 1 - The locator server could not connect to the IP address registered for the GUID 2 - The locator server can connect to the IP address registered for the GUID, but not to the Placeshifter port 3 - The locator server can connect to the IP address/port for the GUID, but the server that is there is not the Placeshifter 10 - The ping was successful. External connections to the Placeshifter should work correctly.
        LocatorID - the GUID that should be used for the 'ping'
        an integer status code as described above.
      • LookupIPForLocatorID

        public java.lang.String LookupIPForLocatorID​(java.lang.String LocatorID)
        Connects to the SageTV Locator server and submits the specified Locator ID for a IP lookup. The Locator server will then lookup the IP for that GUID and report it back.
        LocatorID - the GUID that should be used for the lookup
        an String of IP address:port or null if the lookup failed
      • CreateArray

        public java.lang.Object[] CreateArray​(java.lang.Object Value)
        Creates a java.lang.Object array and initializes each element to the passed in argument. NOTE: This method takes a variable number of arguments, and the length of the returned array will be equal to the number of arguments. i.e. calling CreateArray(1, 2) returns an Object array with elements 1 and 2 in it
        Value - a value for an element of the array (multiple arguments allowed)
        the newly allocated Object array with its elements set to the arguments
      • SetScrollPosition

        public void SetScrollPosition​(float RelativeX,
                                      float RelativeY)
        Scrolls the closest pageable UI parent component (or sibling of a parent) to the specified position.
        RelativeX - the X position to scroll to between 0.0 and 1.0 (use a negative number to not change the X position)
        RelativeY - the Y position to scroll to between 0.0 and 1.0 (use a negative number to not change the Y position)
      • ClearMenuCache

        public void ClearMenuCache()
        Clears the cache that links Widgets to the in memory-menu representations for this UI. This also clears the back/forward history to remove any references contained in there as well.
      • Animate

        public boolean Animate​(java.lang.String WidgetName,
                               java.lang.String LayerName,
                               java.lang.String AnimationName,
                               long Duration)
        Starts an animation for the specified Widget in the specified Layer. If the Widget name ends with a '*' then all Widgets that match will be animated; otherwise only the first visible Widget matching the name will be animated. The Widget must also have the specified Layer as it's animation layer (i.e. if the Layer is Foreground, then the corresponding Widget should have an Animation property of LayerForeground). The type of animation is controlled by AnimtionName. There's also suffixes that can be appened to the AnimationName that effect how the timescale for the animation progresses. There's also other suffixes that can be used to specify other options for the animations.

        Valid strings for the AnimationName are:

        • FullSlideDownOut - slides down off the bottom of the screen
        • FullSlideDownIn - slides down in from the top of the screen
        • FullSlideUpOut - slides up off the top of the screen
        • FullSlideUpIn - slides up in from the bottom of the screen
        • FullSlideLeftOut - slides off to the left of the screen
        • FullSlideLeftIn - slides in from the left of the screen
        • FullSlideRightOut - slides off the right of the screen
        • FullSlideRightIn - slides in from the right of the screen
        • SlideDownOut - slides down off the bottom of its parent component
        • SlideDownIn - slides down in from the top of its parent component
        • SlideUpOut - slides up off the top of its parent component
        • SlideUpIn - slides up in from the bottom of its parent component
        • SlideLeftOut - slides off to the left of its parent component
        • SlideLeftIn - slides in from the left of its parent component
        • SlideRightOut - slides off the right of its parent component
        • SlideRightIn - slides in from the right of its parent component
        • FadeOut - fades out
        • FadeIn - fades in
        • Smooth - smoothly transitions from one position & size to another; the destination image is used for the animation
        • Morph - smoothly transitions from one position & size to another; the image fades between the source and the destination
        • ZoomOut - shrinks the size down to nothing from its source size
        • ZoomIn - grows the size from nothing to its destination size
        • HZoomOut - shrinks the size down to nothing horitonzatlly from its source size
        • HZoomIn - grows the size from nothing horitonzatlly to its destination size
        • VZoomOut - shrinks the size down to nothing vertically from its source size
        • VZoomIn - grows the size from nothing vertically to its destination size

        Timeline modifications for animations affect how the timescale progresses. For out animations, they are eased out if non-linear. For in animations, they are eased in if non-linear. For animations that are neither; the timescale modification occurs at both ends. Bounce only works properly for 'in' animations.

        Valid suffixes for any of the animations are (default is Quadratic):

        • Linear - animation follows a smooth timeline (first order)
        • Quadratic - animation follows a quadratic timeline (second order)
        • Cubic - animation follows a cubic timeline (third order)
        • Bounce - animation follows a timeline that looks like it 'bounces' in

        Additional options for the animation may also be specified by combining additional suffixes to the AnimationName. The following is a list of valid option suffixes.

        • Fade - applies an additional fade in/out effect to the animation (i.e. ZoomOutFade)
        • North - for Zoom animations will center the zoom around the top of the component (i.e. ZoomInNorth)
        • West - for Zoom animations will center the zoom around the left of the component
        • South - for Zoom animations will center the zoom around the bottom of the component
        • East - for Zoom animations will center the zoom around the right of the component
        • Behind - for Out animations will cause it to be rendered behind the other layers instead of on top as Out animations usually are
        • Unclipped - for Slide animations will cause the same motion to occur but without clipping the area when drawn
        • Unease - for In or Out animations it will reverse the 'easing' direction so you can slide in & out the same panel w/ out overlap

        You may combine the directional suffixes to get an additional four directions (i.e. ZoomOutNorthEast). And this can also be combined with the timeline suffixes as well, or even Fade (i.e. ZoomInQuadraticSouthWestFade)
        For delaying the start of an animation; see here AnimateDelayed()

        WidgetName - the name of the Widget that should be animated
        LayerName - the name of the Layer the animated Widget must be in
        AnimationName - the name of the animation to perform
        Duration - the time in milliseconds that it should take for the animation to complete
        returns true if a matching Widget was found to perform the animation on; false otherwise
      • AnimateVariable

        public boolean AnimateVariable​(java.lang.String WidgetName,
                                       java.lang.String LayerName,
                                       java.lang.String VarName,
                                       java.lang.Object VarValue,
                                       java.lang.String AnimationName,
                                       long Duration,
                                       long StartDelay,
                                       boolean Interruptable)
        For more details on Animations see here: Animate() In addition to what's specified in the Animate API call; this also offers restricting of an Animation by a variable name and value. Usage of the '*' suffix on the WidgetName is allowed.
        WidgetName - the name of the Widget that should be animated
        LayerName - the name of the Layer the animated Widget must be in
        VarName - the name of the variable that must match for the Widget to be animated
        VarValue - the value of the variable to match
        AnimationName - the name of the animation to perform
        Duration - the time in milliseconds that it should take for the animation to complete
        StartDelay - the delay in milliseconds before this animation should start
        Interruptable - true if the animation can be interrupted to render the next UI update; false if it must complete (this parameter is optional and defaults to false)
        returns true if a matching Widget was found to perform the animation on; false otherwise
      • AnimateTransition

        public boolean AnimateTransition​(java.lang.String SourceWidgetName,
                                         java.lang.String TargetWidgetName,
                                         java.lang.String LayerName,
                                         java.lang.String AnimationName,
                                         long Duration,
                                         long StartDelay,
                                         boolean Interruptable)
        Performs an Animation between two different Widgets. Normally animations are performed between two different states for a single Widget. This API call allows an animation to occur between two different Widgets and will usually be used with a 'Morph' AnimationName. This may only target a single Widget; so the '*' suffix is not used on the WidgetNames in this call.
        For more details on Animations see here: Animate()
        SourceWidgetName - the name of the Widget to use as the source for this animation
        TargetWidgetName - the name of the Widget to use as the target (destination) for this animation
        LayerName - the name of the Layer the animated Widget must be in
        AnimationName - the name of the animation to perform
        Duration - the time in milliseconds that it should take for the animation to complete
        StartDelay - the delay in milliseconds before this animation should start
        Interruptable - true if the animation can be interrupted to render the next UI update; false if it must complete (this parameter is optional and defaults to false)
        returns true if a matching Widget was found to perform the animation on; false otherwise
      • AnimateDelayed

        public boolean AnimateDelayed​(java.lang.String WidgetName,
                                      java.lang.String LayerName,
                                      java.lang.String AnimationName,
                                      long Duration,
                                      long StartDelay,
                                      boolean Interruptable)
        This is the same as the Animate API call; but it allows specifiying a delay that should occur before the animation actually starts. Useful for creating sequences of animation effects. For more details see here: Animate()
        WidgetName - the name of the Widget that should be animated
        LayerName - the name of the Layer the animated Widget must be in
        AnimationName - the name of the animation to perform
        Duration - the time in milliseconds that it should take for the animation to complete
        StartDelay - the delay in milliseconds before this animation should start
        Interruptable - true if the animation can be interrupted to render the next UI update; false if it must complete (this parameter is optional and defaults to false)
        returns true if a matching Widget was found to perform the animation on; false otherwise
      • SetCoreAnimationsEnabled

        public void SetCoreAnimationsEnabled​(boolean Enabled)
        Sets whether or not animation support is enabled (either layered or Effect based animations; depending upon the STV configuration)
        Enabled - true to enable core animations; false otherwise
      • AreCoreAnimationsEnabled

        public boolean AreCoreAnimationsEnabled()
        Returns whether or not animation support is enabled (either layered or Effect based animations; depending upon the STV configuration)
        true if core animations are enabled; false otherwise
      • AreCoreAnimationsSupported

        public boolean AreCoreAnimationsSupported()
        Returns whether or not animation support is possible in the current UI environment. Certain clients (like the MVP) do not support animations; and animations over remote connections are also disabled due to performance reasons.
        true if core animations are supported; false otherwise
      • GetUIRefreshLock

        public boolean GetUIRefreshLock()
        Acquires the lock for this user interface system to prevent other updates from occuring. This can be used at the start of an animation sequence before the refresh call is made to ensure that the animations will all occur on the same refresh cycle. The return value indicates if the lock was acquired. Do NOT release the lock unless you acquired the lock. This lock is re-entrant and is thread-based. You must release it from the same thread that acquired the lock. If this method return false, then you already have the lock. IMPORTANT: It is of CRITICAL IMPORTANCE that ReleaseUIRefreshLock() is called after GetUIRefreshLock() if this method returns true or the user interface system will become completely locked up for this client. It's also important to not release the lock unless you acquired it.
        true if the lock was acquired (which means it MUST be released), false if it was not
      • ReleaseUIRefreshLock

        public void ReleaseUIRefreshLock()
        Releases the lock for this user interface system to allow other updates to occur. This must ONLY be used after GetUIRefreshLock() was called and ONLY if GetUIRefreshLock() actually returned true. This must also be called from the same thread that called GetUIRefreshLock()
      • CalculateMD5Sum

        public java.lang.String CalculateMD5Sum​( FilePath)
        Calculates the MD5 Sum of a given file
        FilePath - the path to the file who's MD sum should be calculated
        the MD5 sum of the specified file as a String, null if the file doesn't exist or there's an error reading it
      • CalculateSHA1Hash

        public java.lang.String CalculateSHA1Hash​(java.lang.String EncodeString)
        Calculates the SHA1 hash of a String
        EncodeString - the String to be converted into a SHA1 hash
        the SHA1 sum of the provided String or null if the string was null
      • ReloadNameserverCache

        public void ReloadNameserverCache()
        Reloads the name server cache. Should be used after reconfiguring the network adapter. NOTE: This is only valid on embedded platforms.
      • GetTimeSinceLastInput

        public long GetTimeSinceLastInput()
        Returns the amount of time in milliseconds since the last user input occurred for this UI (used for doing things while the user is idle)
        the amount of time in milliseconds since the last user input occurred
      • GetFileAsString

        public java.lang.String GetFileAsString​( FilePath)
        Opens the file at the specified path and reads the entire contents of it and returns it as a String. This will use the server's filesystem if executed on SageTVClient.
        FilePath - the file path
        a String which represents the contents of the file; the emptry string if there was a failure
      • GetLocalFileAsString

        public java.lang.String GetLocalFileAsString​( FilePath)
        Opens the file at the specified path and reads the entire contents of it and returns it as a String.
        FilePath - the file path
        a String which represents the contents of the file; the emptry string if there was a failure
      • WriteStringToFile

        public boolean WriteStringToFile​( FilePath,
                                         java.lang.String Data)
        Opens the file at the specified path and writes out the specified String as its contents. This will use the server's filesystem if executed on SageTVClient.
        FilePath - the file path
        Data - the contents to write to the file
        true if successful, false if there was an error writing to the file
      • WriteStringToLocalFile

        public boolean WriteStringToLocalFile​( FilePath,
                                              java.lang.String Data)
        Opens the file at the specified path and writes out the specified String as its contents.
        FilePath - the file path
        Data - the contents to write to the file
        true if successful, false if there was an error writing to the file
      • IsLocalRestartNeeded

        public boolean IsLocalRestartNeeded()
        Returns true if the local instance of SageTV needs to be restarted due to a plugin install/uninstall
        true if the local instance of SageTV needs to be restarted due to a plugin install/uninstall, false otherwise
      • IsServerRestartNeeded

        public boolean IsServerRestartNeeded()
        Returns true if the server instance of SageTV needs to be restarted due to a plugin install/uninstall
        true if the server instance of SageTV needs to be restarted due to a plugin install/uninstall, false otherwise
      • Restart

        public boolean Restart()
        Restarts the local instance of SageTV. Sometimes needed after a plugin install/uninstall. If you want to restart the local and server instance; then perform the restart on the server first. This is only supported on Windows and Linux currently. If this is called from a SageTVClient running on the same machine as the server, this will invoke a restart of the locally running server as well in order to ensure proper file upgrade synchronization.
        true if restarting is supported (Although the restart will likely complete and the method will never return), false otherwise (Mac OS X does not have restart support)
      • ServerRestart

        public boolean ServerRestart()
        Restarts the server instance of SageTV. Sometimes needed after a plugin install/uninstall. If you want to restart the local and server instance; then perform the restart on the server first. This is only supported on Windows servers and Linux servers currently.
        true if restarting is supported (Although the restart will likely complete and the method will never return), false otherwise (Mac OS X server does not have restart support)
      • QueryServerMacAddress

        public java.lang.String QueryServerMacAddress​(java.lang.String Hostname)
        Gets the MAC address of the SageTV server at the specified hostname. This will only work if SageTV is running on that host. This call uses a 3 second timeout internally.
        Hostname - the hostname/IP of the SageTV server
        a String in the format 00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx that represents the MAC of the server, or null if it fails
      • ScanWirelessAPs

        public java.util.Map ScanWirelessAPs()
        Scans for wireless access points and returns the results as a map. The keys are the SSID names and the values are Security;Strength where Security will be WEP/WPA/None and strength will be an integer between 0 and 100 NOTE: This is only valid on embedded platforms.
        a Map describing the results of the access point scan
      • ReformatDeviceAtPathAsEXT3

        public int ReformatDeviceAtPathAsEXT3​(java.lang.String DrivePath)
        Determines the device that is mounted at the specified path, and then repartitions it to have a single EXT3 partition and then formats that partition. WARNING: THIS WILL DESTROY ALL INFORMATION ON THE TARGET DEVICE AND REFORMAT IT NOTE: This is only valid on embedded platforms.
        DrivePath - the path string of a disk to reformat
        zero upon success, -1 if it is unable to find a device that corresponds to the requested path, -2 if it is unable to unmount that path, -3 if there was a problem re-partitioning or reformatting the drive, and -4 if there was a failure remounting the newly formatted drive
      • ConvertNteChars

        public java.lang.String ConvertNteChars​(java.lang.String NteString)
        converts a string of NTE key characters (and normal characters) into their default character representation - given by the first character in the NTE chatacter list
        The NTE key characters are the Unicode characters u2460-u2468 and u24EA (Unicode Circled Digits), representing the numeric Text Keys 1-9 and 0.
        The characters represented by the keys are defined by the client properties "ui/numeric_text_input_<ui/translation_language_code>_<key>_lower.
        NteString - the string to convert
        the converted string
      • StringIndexOfNTE

        public java.lang.String StringIndexOfNTE​(java.lang.String FullString,
                                                 java.lang.String MatchStringNTE)
        Returns the index of MatchStringNTE string within FullString, -1 if it is not found.
        Search is case-insentive
        The MatchStringNTE may contain the Unicode characters u2460-u2468 and u24EA (Unicode Circled Digits) representing numeric Text Keys 1-9 and 0. The characters represented by the keys are defined by the client properties "ui/numeric_text_input_<ui/translation_language_code>_<key>_lower.
        FullString - the string to search in
        MatchStringNTE - the string to search for
        the first 0-based index in FullString that MatchStringNTE occurs at or -1 if it is not found
      • StringStartsWithNTE

        public java.lang.Boolean StringStartsWithNTE​(java.lang.String FullString,
                                                     java.lang.String MatchStringNTE)
        Returns true if the Full String starts with characters matching MatchStringNTE
        Search is case-insentive
        The MatchStringNTE may contain the Unicode characters u2460-u2468 and u24EA (Unicode Circled Digits) representing numeric Text Keys 1-9 and 0. The characters represented by the keys are defined by the client properties "ui/numeric_text_input_<ui/translation_language_code>_<key>_lower.
        FullString - the string to search in
        MatchStringNTE - the string to search for
        true if FullString starts with characters matching MatchStringNTE
      • DumpServerThreadStates

        public void DumpServerThreadStates()
        Dumps all the java stack information on the SageTV server process to the server's debug output stream