Package sage.api

Class CaptureDeviceAPI

  • public class CaptureDeviceAPI
    extends java.lang.Object
    Represents a capture card or network encoder which is used to record TV.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String AddInputForRFChannel​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice, int RFChannel)
      Returns a CaptureDeviceInput that corresponds to using the tuner input on the CaptureDevice locked to a certain channel.
      java.lang.String[] GetActiveCaptureDevices()
      Returns all of the CaptureDevices that are currently configured for use by SageTV
      java.lang.String[] GetAudioCaptureSources()
      Returns an array of all the audio capture sources in the system, used with SetCaptureDeviceAudioSource(CaptureDevice, AudioSource)
      java.lang.String GetCaptureDeviceAudioSource​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice)
      Gets the audio capture source for a corresponding CaptureDevice.
      java.lang.String GetCaptureDeviceBroadcastStandard​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice)
      Returns the name of the broadcast standard used for reception on this capture device.
      sage.MediaFile GetCaptureDeviceCurrentRecordFile​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice)
      Returns the file that is currently being recorded by this capture device
      java.lang.String GetCaptureDeviceDefaultQuality​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice)
      Returns the default recording qualities for this CaptureDevice.
      java.lang.String[] GetCaptureDeviceInputs​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice)
      Returns all of the CaptureDeviceInputs for a given CaptureDevice.
      int GetCaptureDeviceMerit​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice)
      Gets the encoder merit for a CaptureDevice.
      java.lang.String[] GetCaptureDeviceQualities​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice)
      Returns the recording qualities which are supported by this CaptureDevice
      java.lang.String[] GetCaptureDevices()
      Returns all of the CaptureDevices in the system that SageTV can use
      java.lang.String[] GetConfiguredCaptureDeviceInputs()
      Returns all of the CaptureDeviceInputs that are currently configured for use by SageTV.
      java.lang.String GetLastUsedCaptureDevice()
      Returns the last CaptureDevice that was accessed by SageTV.
      java.lang.String GetLastUsedCaptureDeviceInput​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice)
      Returns the last CaptureDeviceInput that was used by SageTV on the given CaptureDevice
      boolean IsCaptureDeviceANetworkEncoder​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice)
      Returns true if a CaptureDevice is a Network Encoder
      boolean IsCaptureDeviceFunctioning​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice)
      Returns whether or not a CaptureDevice is functioning (i.e.
      boolean IsCaptureDeviceHardwareEncoder​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice)
      Returns true if the CaptureDevice is a hardware encoder
      boolean IsCaptureDeviceInUseByALiveClient​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice)
      Returns true if the CaptureDevice is currently under control of a client who is (or was) watching live TV
      void SetCaptureDeviceAudioSource​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice, java.lang.String AudioSource)
      Sets the audio capture source for a corresponding CaptureDevice
      void SetCaptureDeviceDefaultQuality​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice, java.lang.String Quality)
      Sets the default recording quality for a CaptureDevice
      void SetCaptureDeviceDTVStandard​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice, java.lang.String DTVStandard)
      Sets the TV standard to use for a capture device for devices that support multiple digital TV standards.
      void SetCaptureDeviceMerit​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice, int Merit)
      Sets the encoder merit for a CaptureDevice.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • CaptureDeviceAPI

        public CaptureDeviceAPI()
    • Method Detail

      • GetCaptureDevices

        public java.lang.String[] GetCaptureDevices()
        Returns all of the CaptureDevices in the system that SageTV can use
        the names of all of the CaptureDevices in the system that SageTV can use
      • GetCaptureDeviceInputs

        public java.lang.String[] GetCaptureDeviceInputs​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice)
        Returns all of the CaptureDeviceInputs for a given CaptureDevice.
        CaptureDevice - the name of the CaptureDevice
        all of the CaptureDeviceInputs for the specified CaptureDevice.
      • GetConfiguredCaptureDeviceInputs

        public java.lang.String[] GetConfiguredCaptureDeviceInputs()
        Returns all of the CaptureDeviceInputs that are currently configured for use by SageTV.
        the names of all of the CaptureDeviceInputs that are currently configured for use by SageTV.
      • IsCaptureDeviceFunctioning

        public boolean IsCaptureDeviceFunctioning​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice)
        Returns whether or not a CaptureDevice is functioning (i.e. the device is offline)
        CaptureDevice - the name of the CaptureDevice
        false if a CaptureDevice is NOT functioning (i.e. the device is offline), otherwise true
      • IsCaptureDeviceANetworkEncoder

        public boolean IsCaptureDeviceANetworkEncoder​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice)
        Returns true if a CaptureDevice is a Network Encoder
        CaptureDevice - the name of the CaptureDevice
        true if the specified CaptureDevice is a Network Encoder
      • GetActiveCaptureDevices

        public java.lang.String[] GetActiveCaptureDevices()
        Returns all of the CaptureDevices that are currently configured for use by SageTV
        all of the CaptureDevices that are currently configured for use by SageTV
      • IsCaptureDeviceInUseByALiveClient

        public boolean IsCaptureDeviceInUseByALiveClient​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice)
        Returns true if the CaptureDevice is currently under control of a client who is (or was) watching live TV
        CaptureDevice - the name of the CaptureDevice
        true if the specified CaptureDevice is currently under control of a client who is watching live/delayed TV
      • AddInputForRFChannel

        public java.lang.String AddInputForRFChannel​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice,
                                                     int RFChannel)
        Returns a CaptureDeviceInput that corresponds to using the tuner input on the CaptureDevice locked to a certain channel. For example, using the RF connection from your cable box to the capture card on channel 3 would required adding a new input this way.
        CaptureDevice - the name of the CaptureDevice to add the new input to
        RFChannel - the channel to tune to for this RF input
        the name of the CaptureDeviceInput that was created which will act as an RF channel input
      • GetLastUsedCaptureDevice

        public java.lang.String GetLastUsedCaptureDevice()
        Returns the last CaptureDevice that was accessed by SageTV.
        the name of the last CaptureDevice that was accessed by SageTV.
      • GetLastUsedCaptureDeviceInput

        public java.lang.String GetLastUsedCaptureDeviceInput​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice)
        Returns the last CaptureDeviceInput that was used by SageTV on the given CaptureDevice
        CaptureDevice - the name of the CaptureDevice
        the name of the last CaptureDeviceInput that was used by SageTV on the given CaptureDevice
      • GetCaptureDeviceCurrentRecordFile

        public sage.MediaFile GetCaptureDeviceCurrentRecordFile​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice)
        Returns the file that is currently being recorded by this capture device
        CaptureDevice - the name of the CaptureDevice
        the file that is currently being recorded by the specified capture device
      • GetCaptureDeviceQualities

        public java.lang.String[] GetCaptureDeviceQualities​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice)
        Returns the recording qualities which are supported by this CaptureDevice
        CaptureDevice - the name of the CaptureDevice
        the recording qualities which are supported by the specified CaptureDevice
      • GetCaptureDeviceDefaultQuality

        public java.lang.String GetCaptureDeviceDefaultQuality​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice)
        Returns the default recording qualities for this CaptureDevice.
        CaptureDevice - the name of the CaptureDevice
        the default recording quality for the specified CaptureDevice; if there is no default quality set it will return the empty string
      • SetCaptureDeviceDefaultQuality

        public void SetCaptureDeviceDefaultQuality​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice,
                                                   java.lang.String Quality)
        Sets the default recording quality for a CaptureDevice
        CaptureDevice - the name of the CaptureDevice
        Quality - the default quality setting to use for the specified capture device, use null or the empty string to clear the setting
      • SetCaptureDeviceAudioSource

        public void SetCaptureDeviceAudioSource​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice,
                                                java.lang.String AudioSource)
        Sets the audio capture source for a corresponding CaptureDevice
        CaptureDevice - the name of the CaptureDevice
        AudioSource - the name of the audio capture source, should be one of the values from GetAudioCaptureSources()
      • GetCaptureDeviceAudioSource

        public java.lang.String GetCaptureDeviceAudioSource​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice)
        Gets the audio capture source for a corresponding CaptureDevice.
        CaptureDevice - the name of the CaptureDevice
        the name of the audio capture source for the specified CaptureDevice; the empty string is returned if there is no separate audio capture source (i.e. multiplexed capture or video only capture)
      • IsCaptureDeviceHardwareEncoder

        public boolean IsCaptureDeviceHardwareEncoder​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice)
        Returns true if the CaptureDevice is a hardware encoder
        CaptureDevice - the name of the CaptureDevice
        true if the specified CaptureDevice is a hardware encoder
      • GetCaptureDeviceBroadcastStandard

        public java.lang.String GetCaptureDeviceBroadcastStandard​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice)
        Returns the name of the broadcast standard used for reception on this capture device. NOTE: The method 'GetCaptureDeviceInputBroadcastStandard' should be used instead since the broadcast standard can change per-input
        CaptureDevice - the name of the CaptureDevice
        the name of the broadcast standard used for reception on this capture device (i.e. NTSC, ATSC, DVB-S, etc.)
      • SetCaptureDeviceDTVStandard

        public void SetCaptureDeviceDTVStandard​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice,
                                                java.lang.String DTVStandard)
        Sets the TV standard to use for a capture device for devices that support multiple digital TV standards. The only current example of this is the Hauppauge HVR-4000 which support DVB-T, DVB-S and DVB-C.
        CaptureDevice - the name of the CaptureDevice
        DTVStandard - the DTV standard to use for this capture device, should be one of "DVB-T", "DVB-S" or "DVB-C"
      • GetCaptureDeviceMerit

        public int GetCaptureDeviceMerit​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice)
        Gets the encoder merit for a CaptureDevice.
        CaptureDevice - the name of the CaptureDevice
        The merit value for the specified CaptureDevice; If all else is equal, a capture device with a higher merit has higher priority.
      • SetCaptureDeviceMerit

        public void SetCaptureDeviceMerit​(java.lang.String CaptureDevice,
                                          int Merit)
        Sets the encoder merit for a CaptureDevice.
        Merit - The new merit value for the specified CaptureDevice